If you’ve ever been in a group chat on Telegram, you might have noticed those annoying notifications popping up every time someone joins or leaves the chat. Whether it’s your friend, a random stranger, or even a bot, Telegram will let you know when they enter or exit a group. But if you find those notifications distracting or unnecessary, don’t worry! You can turn them off pretty easily on both your phone and desktop. Let’s go through the steps.
For Phone (Android and iOS)
- Open Telegram App
First, launch the Telegram app on your phone (whether it’s an iPhone or Android). - Go to the Group Chat
Open the group chat where you’re receiving these notifications. - Tap on the Group Name
At the top of the chat, you’ll see the group’s name or title. Tap on it to open the group’s settings. - Go to Notifications
Scroll down to find the “Notifications” section. On Android, you might have to tap on “Notifications” directly. On iPhone, you’ll see it as a toggle under the “Group Info.” - Turn Off Join Notifications
Look for an option like “Notify When Members Join” or something similar. Disable or toggle this off, and you won’t receive notifications when someone joins or leaves the group.
That’s it! From now on, you won’t be bothered by those constant “User has joined the group” notifications.
For Desktop (Windows, Mac, or Linux)
- Open Telegram Desktop
Open the Telegram app on your computer. - Select the Group Chat
Click on the group where you’re getting these notifications. - Click on the Group Name
At the top of the chat, click on the group name to open the group info. - Go to Notifications Settings
In the group settings menu, find the “Notifications” section. - Turn Off Join Notifications
You’ll see an option that says something like “Notify when members join or leave.” Uncheck or toggle this option off.
And that’s all you need to do! No more notifications every time someone enters or exits the chat.
1. Why does Telegram notify me when someone joins a group? Telegram automatically sends notifications for member activity like joining, leaving, or changing their nickname, so everyone knows what’s going on in the group.
2. Will turning off notifications stop me from seeing who joined the group? Yes, it will stop Telegram from sending you a notification, but you can still see who joined the group by opening the group info. It just won’t notify you in real-time.
3. Can I turn off all notifications for a group? Yes! If you don’t want any notifications from a group, you can turn off all notifications. Just go to the group settings and select “Mute Notifications.”
4. Can I turn off these notifications for individual groups only? Yes, the steps above only apply to the specific group you’re in. You can control notifications for each group separately, so you won’t miss out on important messages while keeping the annoying join notifications at bay.
5. What if I still get notifications after following the steps? If the problem persists, make sure your app is updated. Sometimes bugs can cause issues with settings not being applied properly.
Now you can enjoy Telegram without the distraction of constant “someone has joined the group” messages. Whether you prefer a quieter chat or just want to keep things more private, these easy settings will do the trick!